At Agriprojunction Ventures Pvt. Ltd.(Gramik), our topmost priority is to deliver the product to our valued customers at the earliest possible. We deliver almost all over India at no extra cost to customers. Shipping Time: The time taken to Dispatch a product depends upon the type of the product and Quantity. Large Quantities generally take more than usual time which are conveyed to the customers once the order is confirmed. Most orders are delivered within 5-7 business days. Monday to Saturday are considered business days except for public holidays. Delivery delays can occasionally occur around public holidays or at times because of unforeseen circumstances, but we do our best to provide timely deliveries to all our customers. Courier Partners: We only work with reputed courier partners like FedEx, Delhivery, Bluedart etc. for domestic deliveries. For remote locations sometimes Speed Post is used where no other courier services are available. Delivery Time: Our target is to deliver as soon as possible. However, depending upon the size of the product and Delivery location, it varies from 2-10 days from shipping. Smaller products in most of the Metros are delivered within one day also. Tracking details are provided to customers once the product is shipped. For customized and bulk orders, customers are requested to get in touch with us at or contact us through WhatsApp (7388821222).